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Paper: Assessing environmental damage in Ukraine

Papers prepared by CEOBS and Zoï Environment Network that were commissioned as a contribution to Ukraine’s High-Level Working Group on the Environmental Consequences of the War, they assess Ukraine’s environmental monitoring landscape, and priorities to restore its natural environment.

Our first report by @Abesuman , Gabriel Rojas and Fransceca Panico is now available on our website!


#Tigray is witnessing an expansion of artisanal gold mining in its governance vacuum, which carries with it the risk of mercury pollution and environmental degradation, as well as triggering disputes with local communities. But will the proposed return of larger producers help?

#Afghanistan is incredibly vulnerable to weather extremes; from drought to flooding. The legacy of decades of conflict and insecurity mean its people are particularly exposed.

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Our first report by @Abesuman , Gabriel Rojas and Fransceca Panico is now available on our website!


#Tigray is witnessing an expansion of artisanal gold mining in its governance vacuum, which carries with it the risk of mercury pollution and environmental degradation, as well as triggering disputes with local communities. But will the proposed return of larger producers help?

#Afghanistan is incredibly vulnerable to weather extremes; from drought to flooding. The legacy of decades of conflict and insecurity mean its people are particularly exposed.

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