Logo of the Conflict and Environment Academic Network

The Conflict and Environment Academic Network (CEAN) is a community for academics and researchers engaged in the environmental monitoring and assessment of armed conflicts.

About CEAN

The network aims to catalyse and strengthen the growth of monitoring environmental change in conflict settings as a new discipline by:

  • Creating a space to share research, experiences, ideas and data;
  • Acting as a launch pad for network-building, new research directions and projects;
  • Using our collective works to advocate for the environment in conflict, pushing it up the policy and research agendas.

The academic network was launched in December 2023 and is currently hosted by the Conflict and Environment Observatory, a UK based research charity. This activity is currently unfunded and we would appreciate any potential funders or donors to please get in touch.

We are looking to grow in 2024 and are open to all suggestions of how to push forward and evolve as a community. We are engaging with existing research communities and networks and intend to enhance rather than impinge on their work.

For all enquiries eoghan[at]ceobs.org

How CEAN works

CEAN’s primary modes of communication are through quarterly online meetings and a more regular email digest. Our CEAN homepage is hosted by CEOBS and will be updated with recent publications and events. We welcome blog posts from members. A directory of members is below. 

The format of our quarterly online meetings is

  • A science presentation from a member on interesting ongoing work. 
  • Discussion on agenda points circulated in advance and suggested by the network. 
  • Open discussion.

The meetings aim to be open, inclusive and are undertaken to set rules of participation (see below).

To join the email list or attend meetings please sign up to become a member. We also have a group on LinkedIn.

Member list

A spreadsheet with CEAN members, their affiliations and areas of expertise can be found at this link. The password for the spreadsheet is provided in email communications from CEOBS – if lost, contact eoghan[at]ceobs.org

Rules of participation in CEAN meetings

Participation within the Network is administered by the following general rules:

  • Network members should endeavour to commit time and resources to support the objectives of the Network.
  • Meetings will have a rotating chair, to be decided in the previous meeting. 
  • Any discussion in meetings and views expressed or implied are without prejudice to, and shall not limit, the discretion of the Network.
  • Views expressed by participants during meetings will not be treated as the formal position of the institution or organisation that they represent.
  • Outline minutes will be taken and circulated to attendees.
  • The virtual meeting will be recorded primarily to aid the taking of minutes but will not be retained long-term (i.e. no more than 30 days).
  • If the person doing the science presentation is willing, this section of the meeting will be uploaded to YouTube and shared on the Network webpage.