Military and the environment

In spite of growing awareness among militaries of the need to reduce the environmental impact of their operations, whether domestically, during peacekeeping operations or during wartime, the environmental bootprint of military operations remains considerable. Of particular concern are greenhouse gas emissions, the legacy issues associated with military installations, as well as the exemptions from environmental oversight that militaries often enjoy. Read the military and the environment briefing.


Report: EU military greening policies: A review of transparency and implementation

Report mapping out EU military environmental policies and “greening” initiatives, including the extent to which environmental performance reporting is made publicly available. The review also draws on direct feedback from EU defence ministries on their environmental policies, as well as from other stakeholders with an interest in military environmental policy.


Twitter: #Military

The UK government has issued new guidance favouring the default use of low order detonations to destroy unexploded underwater ordnance in order to reduce risks to the marine environment #Military #MineAction

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Marine environment: unexploded ordnance clearance Joint Position Statement

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