Your expertise can help support our research.

The Friends of CEOBS community

The purpose of the voluntary Friends of CEOBS community is to increase our technical capacity, and to give individuals an opportunity to become more involved in our work.

Because of the nature of our research, we often call on the expertise of individuals working across a range of environmental, legal, health and humanitarian issues. The Friends community aims to provide individuals with a way of becoming more engaged in what we do. Of course, you might just want to follow and share our work, and so everyone on our mailing list automatically becomes a Friend.

But if you’d like to engage more deeply, we’re looking for experts or specialists who we may occasionally approach to seek specific technical advice or support. Our work is pretty wide ranging but this could include:

Air quality specialists and modellers, agriculturalists, archaeologists, citizen science experts, contaminated land specialists, conservationists, data scientists, ecologists, environmental chemists, environmental scientists, environmental toxicologists, geologists, geographers, historians, humanitarian response practitioners, hydrogeologists, hydrologists, international relations scholars, investigative journalists, land rights experts, lawyers, OSINT researchers, political ecologists, political scientists, public health experts, software developers, visualisation specialists, waste specialists, socio-economic researchers…

This is a volunteer community, and Friends are under no obligation to provide any financial support by joining the network. We will not publicly disclose our list of Friends but, subject to their agreement, individuals contributing to our research will be acknowledged and fully cited in publications. 

So, as a member of the Friends of CEOBS community, you may just want to receive our occasional mailings of blogs and reports, or to follow and engage with us via Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. But the community now also provides the space for experts from a range of disciplines to actively contribute to our work to protect people and ecosystems from the environmental consequences of conflicts.

How to join

We’ve developed a community charter that sets out our commitment to providing a safe and supportive environment for all Friends of CEOBS. To join the community, please use the form below to confirm that you have read and agree with the charter, and then share with us some details on your background, and give us an idea of how you might like to be involved.


  • Values and supports diversity, and contributions from all community members.
  • Acknowledges that any technical advice or guidance freely provided is given in good faith.
  • Will not use any contributions received for commercial purposes and will make all of its publications freely available online – unless security considerations prevent this.
  • Will protect any of your personal data held as part of the community in accordance with the requirements of the UK’s Data Protection Act 2018.

As a community member you agree that:

  • You understand the purpose of the community and its limitations.
  • Your personal views will not necessarily be treated as the formal position of CEOBS.
  • CEOBS reserves the right to validate the accuracy of technical contributions.
  • CEOBS can retain personal data relevant to your membership of the community.