The Conflict and Environment Academic Network (CEAN) is a community for academics and researchers engaged in the environmental monitoring and assessment of armed conflicts.
The network aims to catalyse and strengthen the growth of monitoring environmental change in conflict settings as a new discipline by:
- Creating a space to share research, experiences, ideas and data;
- Acting as a launch pad for network-building, new research directions and projects;
- Using our collective works to advocate for the environment in conflict, pushing it up the policy and research agendas.
Monitoring of the environment encompasses diverse sub-disciplines and we are open to everything from air quality to zoology. Armed conflicts at all scales generate immediate as well as reverberating consequences for the environment, and our interests extend from near real-time monitoring, to geographically or temporally disparate outcomes and trends.
CEAN is open to all engaged in research, though primarily at those in or facing academia. We particularly welcome members from conflict-affected areas and/or under represented communities, as well as early career researchers. Membership is free and if you would like to join, please complete this form.
We hold quarterly online meetings and provide a weekly email digest. We also have a group on LinkedIn. CEAN was launched in December 2023 and is currently hosted by CEOBS, a UK research charity. For more info, read our review – CEAN: One year in. CEAN is currently unfunded and we welcome enquiries from potential funders or donors.
For all enquiries rob[at]