Integrating munitions residue analysis into humanitarian mine action.
Assessing the humanitarian impact of explosive ordnance (EO) has been an integral part of the land release process for decades. However, rarely have environmental aspects been included, despite the fact that EO can impact the environment in several ways, adding to the overall humanitarian impact of the use of explosives.
Few studies have been carried out within conflict-affected settings to assess the impact of EO on land quality and the impact on soil productivity. A pilot study in Vietnam, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (see pilot study), has been undertaken to develop tools and procedures to assess such impacts, and to help inform decisions on the suitability for future land use and agriculture.
The pilot study was carried out by Norwegian People’s Aid in Vietnam, in collaboration with the Institute of Resources and Environment at Hue University and the Union of Friendship Organization in Thua Thien Hue Province.