Official COP28 side event: 4 Dec 2023, 18:30—20:00 GST; in-person: SE Room 2, online: UNFCCC YouTube.
This event will discuss how to hold the Russian Federation accountable for the climate damage caused by its war in Ukraine. Alongside presenting an updated assessment of the war’s GHG emissions, solutions will be presented to undo some of the damage done through a green recovery. This event will also highlight the need to better account for military, conflict and occupation emissions within the UNFCCC process.
- Opening remarks | Viktoria Kireeva Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, Ukraine
- Statement by Georgia | Nino Tkhilava Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Georgia
- Climate Damage caused by 18 months of Russia’s war | Lennard de Klerk Initiative on GHG Accounting of War
- Ukraine’s green recovery | Anna Ackermann Ecoaction
- The state of the military emissions reporting gap | Linsey Cottrell Conflict and Environment Observatory
Event sponsored by the governments of Ukraine and Georgia, together with the Initiative for GHG Accounting in War, Ecoaction, CEOBS, Green Wave and Zoï Environment Network.