Alex de Waal | When kleptocracy becomes insolvent: brute causes of the civil war in South Sudan
An explanation of how South Sudan’s system of government led to its civil war.
An explanation of how South Sudan’s system of government led to its civil war.
The lack of a clear strategy to deal with the legacy of the use of depleted uranium (DU) munitions in Iraq, from either the Coalition Forces, the Coalition Provisional Authority or the Iraqi government, has resulted in the continued exposure of civilians to DU.
An analysis of the internal struggle to build the state of the new South Sudan and the international community’s assistance, which became a violent civil war of state formation.
This report looked at the ways in which natural resource management—the institutions, policies and practices that govern land, water, forests, minerals, hydrocarbons—interact with violent conflict in Afghanistan.
This book offered signposts towards achieving Libyan environmental sustainability, finding that Libya was poised to become a world leader in sustainability should it have chosen to.
The aim of this report is to provide greater clarity on the impact that the use of DU has had on Iraqi society; in doing so it will document the persistent uncertainty that continues to affect the daily lives of Iraqi civilians.
The broad objectives of this study were to: highlight the longer-term effects and implications of current developmental and social trends and challenges affecting the Gaza Strip; raise awareness of these both locally and internationally; and, inform the strategic programming of the UN.
This report focuses on the impact on civilians of weapons that were once part of Qaddafi’s arsenal, but were not used in the conflict and are now held by various parties.