Report launch: Environmental impact of explosive weapons in southern Ukraine, 16 Jan
Register for our joint webinar and report launch: “Assessing Environmental Degradation from Explosive Weapons in Southern Ukraine”, on January 16th.
Register for our joint webinar and report launch: “Assessing Environmental Degradation from Explosive Weapons in Southern Ukraine”, on January 16th.
In many ways, peace and security had never enjoyed a higher profile than they did at COP29 in Baku and yet developed countries failed fragile and conflict-affected states. In this post Ellie Kinney takes stock of what happened at COP29 and looks ahead to COP30 next year.
The Conflict and Environment Academic Network (CEAN) has celebrated its first anniversary with a full day of talks and posters at the 2024 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. In this post, Rob Watson charts CEAN’s progress over the last 12 months and outlines the network’s aims for the following year.
25 years since the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention entered into force, its Fifth Review Conference is taking place amidst the accelerating crises of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. Linsey Cottrell reviews how the mine action sector is responding to the triple crisis, and what more is needed.
World leaders, negotiators, and civil society are heading to Baku for what its Azerbaijani hosts have labelled the “COP of Peace”. Set against the backdrop of an increasingly unpeaceful world, and the urgent need for states to agree on a new climate finance goal, Ellie Kinney explores what we can expect on militarism, conflict and climate at COP29.
In this post Doug Weir examines whether framing the climate crisis primarily as a security threat slowed the growth of the partnerships and public consent needed to support rapid military decarbonisation.
Ми запрошуємо студентів та викладачів українських та закордонних вищих навчальних закладів, а також громадських активістів, до участі в онлайн-хакатоні 13-14 листопада, на якому учасники винаходитимуть рішення у сфері громадянської науки, що стосуватимуться випадків шкоди, спричиненої бойовими діями, які вплинули на якість води в громадах України.
We are looking for Ukrainian and international university students, teaching staff and activists to participate in an online hackathon on November 13-14th 2024 to identify citizen science solutions for war-related incidents that have impacted water quality in Ukrainian communities.