
The fragmentation of Libya and its descent into civil war, which began following the 2011 uprisings and NATO intervention, has had as yet unquantified consequences for its environment. Islamic State targeted oil infrastructure and urban areas have seen severe damage with governmental collapse resulting in the loss of environmental oversight and basic services. Read the Libya briefing.


Country brief: Libya

A brief introductory overview of the environmental dimensions of Libya’s conflict, with facts, figures and further reading.


Libyan offshore oil spill worse than claimed

In this post Dr Eoghan Darbyshire uses satellite imagery to examine claims made by the Libyan National Oil Corporation than an offshore oil spill has been controlled. What he finds underscores the importance of independent scrutiny of the oil industry in insecure and conflict settings.

Twitter: #Libya

More depressing images of the lack of work to address the devastation in Derna #Libya, six months after the floods dam collapse. It underscores the weakness of governance that was a contributing factor in the dam collapse.

Six months after Derna floods killed at least 4,352 people, #Libya’s authorities have shied away from investigating responsibility of powerful military & political actors & did not ensure all those affected were granted equal access to compensation.

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