Country brief: Occupied Palestinian Territories
A brief introductory overview of the environmental issues facing the Gaza Strip and West Bank, with facts, figures and further reading.
A brief introductory overview of the environmental issues facing the Gaza Strip and West Bank, with facts, figures and further reading.
Recommendations for States and UN Environment for the implementation of UNEP/EA.3/Res.1: ‘Pollution mitigation and control in areas affected by armed conflict of terrorism’.
A brief introductory overview of the environmental dimensions of Libya’s conflict, with facts, figures and further reading.
A brief introductory overview of the environmental dimensions of Iraq’s conflicts, with facts, figures and further reading.
A brief introductory overview of the environmental dimensions of post-conflict Colombia, with facts, figures and further reading.
A brief introductory overview of the environmental dimensions of the conflict in Afghanistan, with facts, figures and further reading.
Environmental Mechanics explores how a more formalised system of post-conflict assistance could increase the protection of civilians and their environment, and help to create and strengthen norms against environmentally destructive military behaviours. In doing so it seeks to identify the legal principles and structures that could help such a system function, and examine the thematic areas where more focused legal and political debate would be important to achieve this goal.
Pollution Politics examines how the weakness of current international humanitarian law allows the generation of conflict pollution that can impact both civilian health and the environment for long after the cessation of hostilities. The report defines toxic remnants of war, explores how they are created and argues that a new mechanism is needed to prevent and remedy environmental damage, to increase accountability and improve post-conflict response and assistance.