Occupied Palestinian Territories

A dense population and recurring conflicts have placed the Gaza Strip’s environment under considerable pressure, damaging critical infrastructure and generating debris. Environmental governance in both Gaza and the West Bank has been made more complex by the occupation, which has compounded and often actively worsened issues such as water scarcity, pollution, land degradation and waste management. Read the OPT briefing.



Tree planting as resistance in Palestine

In this guest post, Elle Ambler of the Arab Group for the Protection of Nature explores the impact of the Israeli occupation on agriculture and food security, and the role that tree planting can play as an act of resistance.

Twitter: #Gaza / #OPT

Solid waste in #Gaza poses health and environmental risks but "Israel has refused repeated requests to allow UNRWA to empty the main landfill sites".

"We have water contamination because of hot water, and we will have much more food spoilage because of the high temperature. We will get insect mosquitoes and flies, dehydration, heat stroke." #Gaza

The BBC has analysed 603 water facilities in #Gaza and found that 53% have been damaged or destroyed since Oct 7 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68969239 1/2

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