UNEP | State of environment and outlook report for the occupied Palestinian territory 2020
Long-awaited environmental assessment of the rate and severity of environmental degradation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Long-awaited environmental assessment of the rate and severity of environmental degradation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Analysis of the growth and increasing level of organisation in informal oil refining in Syria – the practice creates acute and chronic health risks for workers and nearby communities, and dealing with its environmental legacy will be a huge task.
Policy brief by NATO’s Defence College on its developing environmental security agenda, which covers conflict risks, reducing harm in operations, how climate change will alter operations and impact bases, and on what role NATO should play in addressing and responding to these issues.
Poor environmental governance and a changing climate are leading to the displacement of people in southern Iraq, with families unable to sustain themselves from agriculture and livestock production.
To mark five years of conflict the OSCE Project Coordinator for Ukraine has published a series of infographics detailing the environmental consequences of the conflict in Ukraine’s Donbas region.
An open source investigation into South Sudan’s oil industry and the pollution it causes through inadequate management and regulation.
Report finds that Islamic State’s extractive and destructive policies towards agricultural areas in northern Iraq are continuing to hamper renewed agricultural activities in rural Ninewa Plains and Sinjar and are delaying the return of IDP farmers to their areas of origin.
NATO and its member states are reacting to growing international pressure to reduce the environmental consequences of conflicts, this compilation of articles provides examples of this response.